Store 2020-11-17T20:20:43+00:00

Contact me for digital download cards and CD’s — Free shipping within the US on orders over $50.


Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation meditation that dissolves tension and renews physical and mental energy.

CD $15

Download card: $10







Inner Silence is a meditation practice that allows us to observe our thoughts and gain clarity of mind, and promotes healthy relationships with our self and others.

*This is a double album*

CD $25

Download card: $20













Prana Nidra restores energetic balance and brings harmony, relaxation, and balance to our body.

CD: $15

Download card $10






Yoga Kids Relax: Story-based imagination meditations for kids of all ages.

CD only: $15







Meditation Music:


A morning musical journey for meditation and movement, featuring santoorist Dan Blanchard. CD only: $15

Listen here





Bihar School of Yoga Books:


Yogic Management of Cancer:

Yogic Management of Cancer explains cancer and its causes from a scientific and yogic perspective. Guidance is offered in applying yogic tools to help manage cancer and the effects of conventional treatments. $20





Prana and Pranayama:

Prana and Pranayama is a comprehensive text on the classical philosophy of prana (energy). It provides a complete description of the science of pranayama (energy based breathing practices) as prepared in the classical texts and as taught in the Bihar School Of Yoga. $20